Where to download any paid course or book for free

Hello, Nicole Ekpert is in touch! Today I am sharing with you a secret website that I have been using for many years, and where I download ANY expensive paid course or book for almost nothing.

I have never shared my way of getting paid courses for free with anyone yet, this is the first time I am writing about it on Public. For my family members, I download everything for free anyway, and I just drop a link to this site to my friends in messengers. I will tell you about the features of this site, and what benefits you will receive after registering on it.

Is it legal to download author’s courses for free, and what are the disadvantages of free training

Many of us are interested in gaining new knowledge and improving our skills. Now almost everything can be learned remotely by buying an online course or intensive. Studying with professionals, we not only gain new knowledge, but at the end of training we are given an electronic certificate confirming the completion of the course with a mentor.

The first disadvantage of free training is the lack of a certificate or diploma. You get the main value — this is knowledge, but you will not have a piece of paper or a picture with the seal of an online school (unless you draw it yourself).

The second disadvantage of such a «freebie» is an underestimation of motivation to learn. As a rule, the value for us is only what we gave money for. Then the knowledge is easier to fit in your head, and it is easier to put it into practice. In addition, you will not have moral support in the form of groupmates or a mentor who constantly motivate you to further study. You are left to yourself and push yourself to move forward.

There is no need to worry about the legality of this method, because you get any paid course or book from a person who has already purchased an information product. No one forbids us to share what we gave our money for, for example, with friends and relatives. On such a site, people post all sorts of courses that they have independently purchased, that is, the creator of the course does not remain in the balance. And since access to such a site is closed, copyright ceases to have its power here. We, as close friends, share with each other links to information products, for which we gave a penny.

On which site you can download any expensive course or book for free

At first, I will upset you a little, because it will not be possible to get a freebie for free, you will still have to pay.

The price of access is $ 50 and this amount is paid once and forever. I bought access to such courses back in 2021, and I use the site to this day. Over a hundred thousand people are registered there, and each of them is deeply interested in the work of the site. I am sure that it will not sink into oblivion and will work for many, many more years. For a thousand rubles, I got access to ANY courses and books that are posted on the site (and there are, without exaggeration, over a thousand of them), and which are regularly leaked by other participants.

This is the most profitable investment that you can imagine. For $ 50, I get ANY information product, the price of which reaches over $ 5,000. And I only regret that I did not get acquainted with this site earlier, because I regularly bought all sorts of courses to get the necessary knowledge. Now I have them at hand!

This site is located at https://freegroupbuy.com/, and it is made in the form of a forum where people throw their links to courses.

When I calculated how many different courses I had already downloaded, and what their price was on official websites, the cost of one information product came out a little more than one dollar.

Those who regularly learn new things and buy courses on the Internet know that such information products sometimes cost a lot of money. For three thousand rubles you will buy something that can be found for free, and for 15-25 thousand you will be trained by a mentor «with a name». For fifty kopecks and above, courses are sold that contain more valuable information, but it all depends on the direction and what you are studying.

It is no exaggeration to say that you can get 100% knowledge in almost any field and become a competent programmer, astrologer, designer, shaman, fitness trainer, copywriter, artist, psychologist, and even a businessman — if you apply knowledge in practice. Any field and any coach — all this is on this forum.

I found this site when I wanted to buy some kind of course one day, but once I got to this site, I decided to pay for access — it turned out to be more profitable than folding several times!


By the way, if you need some kind of course or book, the price of which is «biting» for you, and there is no desire / opportunity to pay for access to the site, for 10-15 dollars I can get you any information product.

If you are interested in gaining knowledge, and not «crusts», then on the Sherwood website you will find for yourself what you are looking for. And although access to the forum at a price of $ 50 seems expensive, in fact it is a negligible penny, for which you can get any information product.

Nicole the Expert wrote for you, and for the first time I shared public information that greedy people try not to disclose. But I want as many people as possible in our country to be able to get knowledge, which, unfortunately, sometimes cost too much.

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